LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, May 13, 2011

Surgery day

We got up early this morning and headed to Chapman medical center in Orange. Eddie checked in and was taken to pre-op for a bazillion questions.

The nurse told him, "Now you are going to get the same questions over & over.  It doesn't mean we aren't listening or that we don't know why you are here. It just means we are making sure we have the correct information"

Eddie was really nervous. Then the nurse gave him something to calm the nerves. When the doctor came in a few minutes later he asked Eddie, "Are you on any medications?"  Eddie's answer, "Yah. The nurse just gave me a shot of tequila". Then the doctor asked Eddie, "Why are you here?"  I thought Eddie's eyes were gonna pop out of his head and he would run out of the hospital leaving behind a cartoon dust trail. I had to remind him that he would be asked the same questions over and over.

They wheeled him away a few minutes later. I can't wait for the next 2 hours to be over with.

I am hopefully attaching a before surgery picture. This was taken yesterday May 12th, 2011.

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