LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

His pain is our gain

The healing process is turning out to be a little more painful than Eddie had expected.  I was home with him all day yesterday, willing to wait on him hand-and-foot.  He really should have taken advantage of that because it doesn't come around very often.  He is trying to be manly and strong by trying to do things on his own, but he is really just delaying his recovery (of course, that is just my professional medical opinion).

I wanted him to rest as much as possible yesterday because today I am back at work.  He has to fend for himself today.  He is also going to attempt to go back to work tomorrow, although he isn't supposed to drive for a week and is supposed to rest for 2 weeks.  MEN!

But, our whole family is reaping the benefits of this surgery.  Eddie is not be able to eat anything that can't go through a straw for 4 weeks so the rest of us are showing our support in our eating habits also.  Eddie claims that I am the spiritual leader of our family and he is the food consumption leader.  We used to eat fast food SEVERAL times a week.  When I say several, I mean at least 5 times a week.  Eddie may have eaten fast food more than that because he would often get Del Taco for breakfast. 

I can very proudly say that none of us has had fast food for a whole week.  I thought I had a touch of the stomach flu yesterday, but it may have just been my system going through withdrawal.  Eddie and I used to drink soda like it was the only source of hydration available, but he hasn't had a soda in a whole week.  I have had maybe 3 sodas.  I won't give up my morning coffee though!!!!

Eddie drank protein shakes and chicken broth yesterday.  The warm broth makes him feel much better.  Anything cold seems to upset his stomach more, but he needs that protein drink and it is nasty if it is warm.  He was having some cramping and the doctor suggested warm liquids and it really did help. 

I have to empty Eddie's drainage tube twice a day.  It doesn't bother me until I have to "milk" it (squeeze the tube all the way down to the reservoir).  I tend to gag a little when I have to squeeze out a clot.  I can handle bodily fluids, but not chunks or clots.  I remember Jordan had a very bad bloody nose once and I was totally fine with it until he pulled out a GIANT clot.  Then I lost it.

So Eddie's pain from going through this surgery is good for our whole family.  When I have to decide what is for dinner, I no longer think of which drive thru I want to hit.  Instead, I get out the cookbooks and find something to cook.  Fast food just doesn't even seem like an option anymore.  I just hope my body can adjust to the decrease in grease, calories, fat, sugar and some other nasty unmentionables that are sometimes found in fast food.  Now if someone spits in my food, it will have come from a child who is upset that mommy isn't letting them eat chicken nuggets for the 4th day in a row.  No joke, Katie's first 2 word phrase was "french fries".  Still wondering if I am mother of the year yet...


  1. This is so interesting. I haven't had fast food in YEARS except for one In and Out burger two Januarys ago on a trip to Cali, yet I have gained 30 pounds. What gives?

    Hope Eddie feels better soon, and that this creates lasting changes in his eating habits.

  2. tell him to STAY HOME AND REST!! Nobody is giving out "Tough Guy of the Year" awards for how quickly he thinks he can take care of himself. There is a reason they tell you not to drive or lift anything over 5 lbs. If he has an accident, tears anything open, etc. its only going to hurt that much more, take that much longer heal and cuase him that much more time off. Something as simple as reacting to a car stopping suddenly and forcing you to slam on the brakes could do damage that you wopuldnt even think of. Take the time NOW to heal and do it right! As someone who has been thru TWO major abdominal surgeries, I think I have some expertise in this area. I wasnt wrong about the pain, was I?? :)

  3. Excellent point Jeff. I will pass this info on to him. I think if he goes in to work tomorrow he will totally regret it, if he can even make it through a whole day.
