LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I want to go home

Well, today isn't going as planned. I was so excited this morning to get to the hospital and take Eddie home. But when I arrived he said he isn't being released just yet. His blood pressure is up, his pulse is up and he had a low grade fever earlier. So the doctor wants some lab work done and wants to see him before he can be released. Unfortunately, the doctor won't be coming around until later today.

Eddie attempted to drink some smoothie and a bite of jello. He kept it all down but it was very painful. He has really bad acid reflux and is on Zantac for it. When he drinks the Zantac he is in tremendous pain. I hate seeing him like this. 

He has been off of the morphine since last night and trying to just get through the pain with out anything. Crazy!  He finally asked for something around 10:45 am. He is resting peacefully again.

I hope I get to take him home tonight so he can be more comfy. The kids miss him and I am sure aunt Glo is ready for a break from them. She is my hero this weekend!!

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