LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pureed Chili

Eddie went back to work yesterday and made it through the whole day.  I am sure it was tough for him, but he did it.  He didn't have any pain meds through out the day.  He did come home and take a nap though.  I was home with two sick kids and exhausted from taking care of everyone, but I am so happy to do it. 

I had made a whole pot of chili and had it slow cooking all day so the house smelled wonderful when Eddie came in the door.  He misses eating so much, it is starting to get to him.  I reminded him that he is on doctors orders to be on a liquid diet for the next week still and then he can move on to "mushies" (soft foods) for two weeks. 

I had been pureeing vegetable soup for him to eat, but he was getting bored with that so I pureed up some chili for him.  He was so excited about it, but it didn't really sit well.  So I let him have a treat.  He got a Pedialite Popsicle and then a bowl of light vanilla ice cream.  It is the first thing he has eaten with a spoon in almost two weeks. 

I can't wait for next week when I can make him some kick ass mashed potatoes. 

There were still some opened bags of chips in the house from before the surgery and I have been trying to eat them so they are gone.  I didn't want to throw them away because that just felt wasteful and Goodwill wasn't going to take opened bags of chips that were half eaten.  But then I got to thinking...Why would I put bad food in my body just to get rid of it when we are trying to change our eating habits?  So, I threw them away.  After I finished off the bag of Cheetos, of course.  Don't you know it is illegal to throw Cheetos away?

Yesterday was also the first day Jordan has not asked for McDonalds, but he was also throwing up.  I think our bodies are still going through a transition with out all the fast food.  It will get better...eventually.

Oh, I haven't lost an ounce of weight so far.  I guess fast food wasn't what was making me fat. Until I lose 8 pants sizes, it is going to be "pregnancy weight", even though Katie turns 2 in a few days.

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